Our Clients Share Their Experiences
This seems surreal. I cannot even begin to tell you how grateful I am for you and your time, patience, guidance, and support throughout the process. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
A. G.
Thank you Lacey, that is both insightful and helpful. I appreciate that you went the extra mile to speak with her.
Parent of 2
Thank you for yesterday! Your positivity and energy is evident when my kiddo leaves your office.
Parent of 3
You know I could refer you to a hundred people as I adore your work, Lacey.
School Counselor
We are really proud of him and so very much appreciate all that you have done to help him reach these achievements, Lacey. I am not sure this is where we would be without you.
Dad of 3
Thank you for the session you had with my daughter and me, Katie. I think it helped. She was much more understanding and appreciative of me afterwards.
Co Parenting dad of 3
Since working with you Katie, his teacher said she has noticed he is regulating emotions better. He got a question wrong and was able to work through it.
Mom of 2
It's been helpful and he has definitely taken some of the strategies to heart.
Mom of 2
Family lawyer here - Tara Egan is stellar. I'd send my kids to her without hesitation.
My kids love you. You were fair, kind, and always believed in our ability to make positive changes."
S., Dad to three
Your back-to-school newsletter today came at the most perfect time! You are amazing and I will continue to shout volumes to my families that I come into contact with if there are issues that I know you can support them with!
H.H., School Psychologist
I've been listening to Season 1 of "One Day You'll Thank Me" and I absolutely love it. We've been going through a rough patch and your advice has been so helpful in helping me parent my 10 year old. I'm going to call tomorrow to see if we can work with you.
J., podcast listener and mother of three
As one of your students at Queens University, you made me feel like working with families is the most important job in the world. It's obvious you love what you do.
S. Psychology Major
I was in the audience at the PTA meeting last week when you presented about kids and technology. You were dynamic and informative. I'd like to attend future presentations.
T., Mom to two
As a grandmother, I needed help to figure out how to best help my daughter and her son. I'm so grateful for your skill and kindness. I wish you had come into our lives a long time ago.
B., Grandmother to one
Dr. Egan...I'm struggling to find words to articulate how much I appreciate all that you've done for my son. As his parent, it warms my heart to see others stand up for him. Your compassion is unparalleled.
J., Dad to one
I just wanted to let you know that I just listened to your Common App podcast with guest expert Michelle McAnaney and it was fantastic. I too have felt chill about the applying to college process and I see that we're on the right track. Just wanted to let you know that it was great!
I'm a therapist and recommend Dr. Egan. I have used her personally and also referred many clients to her. No one has been disappointed with her.
We had a great experience with Dr. Egan!
We have been very happy with Tara Egan. Truly unbiased in her parenting coaching and works well with our kids.