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  • Egan Counseling & Consulting

New car seat guidelines indicate child's size should be considered over age

Writer: L TodiscoL Todisco

By Bryanna Cappadona

Infants should ride rear-facing for "as long as possible," according to a leading pediatricians group.

Parents with young children should be alerted to new guidelines for car seats: the American Academy of Pediatrics is now saying that babies should remain rear-facing until they reach the maximum height and weight allowed by the car seat manufacturer.

The updated guidelines are a significant change from the previous recommendation that babies remain rear facing until at least age 2. Because the new guidelines are now based on the size of the child, some children will remain rear facing even after turning 2.

The AAP said all infants and toddlers should ride in rear-facing car seats for "as long as possible, until they reach the highest weight or height allowed" by the seat's manufacturer.



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